Overkill’s The Walking Dead

Overkill's The Walking Dead is a co-op first person shooter with elements of action, role-playing, survival horror and stealth, that invites players to explore the hugely popular The Walking Dead universe, where they play the role of survivors fending for themselves in a post-apocalyptic world dominated by flesh-eating walkers.


  • Led a team to create a Game Design Document to help establish the projects scope.

  • Established a workflow and Dev Pipeline with outsourcing partners and a publisher that were overseas and in a different time zone.

  • Collaboration with Robert Kirkman and Skybound Studios to understand what the world is about and where it could lead.

  • Created a game pitch concept using the Diesel engine (Payday Franchise) to prove out a Project Concept Greenlight.

  • Worked on this game along side the John Wick Chronicles game.

  • Secret: The Diesel Engine does not have a “Undo” Button!