True Crime:

New York City

The game tells the story of Marcus Reed, a former New York City gang member turned police officer. On his first night on the job after receiving a promotion to detective in the Organized Crime Unit, Reed witnesses the death of his mentor. Helped by an FBI agent who is investigating a mole in the OCU, Reed sets about finding out who killed his friend and bringing down the mole. The game features a 25-square-mile (65 km2) recreation of the borough of Manhattan, with most street names, major landmarks and highways reproduced with GPS accuracy.



  • Designed and created areas around New York using a vast amount of research from photos to detailed information based on the area being used. Thousands upon thousands of photos were used to get as close as possible to give the look and feel of New York.

  • Used the Lux Editor to create areas which was a point to point patch system to create terrain and streets.

  • Secret: Have a street named after myself and my wife in the game.

  • My first professional game within the industry.